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 GIVEAWAY – $150 AMAZON® Gift Card


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  1. Sandy Sandmeyer

    I am a fan of fiction more than non-fiction but I appreciate non-fiction more since I’ve been in theology school for the last 7 years.

    • Stasia

      Dear Sandy, Thank you for sharing. What are you studying? I am a full-time student as well. We are missionaries and have served on the field for the last 32 years with our 6 children. God is good. May the Lord bless you, Stasia

  2. Joyce

    I so appreciate these free and reduced inspirational book deals that you share with us daily. I have read soooo many that I would not otherwise have been financially able to afford to read. Thank you soooo much and also thanks for the opportunity to enter the Amazon gift card giveaway. God bless you!

    • Stasia

      Thank you Joyce for sharing that… I love looking for the books. HUbbie has cancer and has surgery tomorrow so this week has been a bit of a challenge taking the time, but I am putting together a list right now. 😉

    • Stasia

      Dear Joyce, Thank you so much for sharing this, we are faith-based missionaries and we could not read quality inspirational books without LifeVerse as well. No libraries with Christian books plus serving on the mission field make hauling books about difficult. This blessed us as well. God bless you, Stasia

  3. Jennifer

    I have always preferred non-fiction, but the more I try reading fiction, I really enjoy it and find that it sometimes reaches me even more deeply than non-fiction. I do prefer non-fiction in audio form….I am currently learning these things about myself, and it is pretty interesting! 🙂

  4. Dianna A

    I actually like both.

  5. Karen Drader

    I would love to win and use this to buy more books form myself or to give away. I really enjoy fiction books so i can enter a new place every book.

    • Stasia

      SO true Karen, Love to escape in a good book. What kind of Fiction books do you enjoy? God bless you, Stasia

  6. Edgar

    Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction? It depends on the mood, but usually, I’ll go with Non-Fiction.

  7. Carol S

    I personally prefer fiction. It’s always been my favorite.

  8. Heather S

    I prefer fiction

  9. Jaclyn Reynolds

    I prefer non fiction but really enjoy both.

  10. Stephanie Olmsted

    I prefer non fiction books.

  11. Karen

    Hi All
    While sometimes I like fiction I prefer to learn something while reading and see how life is handled or words are given out in situations how families mend how storms are over come how tables are set how bibles are read how children are raised how …. how how LIFE.

    • Stasia

      Yes, I agree with you. I love these kinds of Non-Fiction. God bless you.

  12. Tiffany Greene Elliott

    Honestly, I like reading both! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

    • Stasia

      God bless you!

  13. Becky Smith

    I read more fiction books, but I like both fiction and nonfiction books. Nonfiction books have more thoughts to ponder, where fiction books are relaxing and encouraging/inspiring. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

    • Stasia

      I love biographies and non-fiction. I do love a good fiction story once and a while. God bless you.

  14. Mary Jane

    I like both fiction and non-fiction

  15. Frances Elaine

    I love to read all genres.

  16. Frances Elaine

    I love to read all genres. Lately I have been drawn to inspirational & women’s studies

  17. Judy

    I loved fiction in my youth, but am drawn more to nonfiction, particularly biographies.

  18. Donna Earl

    I always prefer non fiction books. Thank you for the opportunity to receive some of these books free and others at a discount.

  19. Tina Ross


    Thankful for this chance to win the Amazon gift card, and the blessing of books!!!

  20. BarbaraAnn Stetson

    I have been a fan of all books in all walks of life… I love a good autobiography, a good suspense book, a great teaching book, and a little romance goes a long way… Love these books…

  21. Blanche R

    My preference is non-fiction. With exception. When I need to relax and escape the daily grind for a day or so, there is nothing like grabbing up a good fiction book and getting lost in the story 🙂

  22. Cindy Bazzy

    I have been following Lifeverse for quite a while now and look forward to my daily email Have gotten many great books through your recommendations. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into offering this blessing. What a fun time I would have with 150 dollars to spend. Blessing to you.

    • Stasia

      Thank you Cindy, I needed that encouragement. God bless you.

  23. Alicia

    I like both fiction and non-fiction in Christian reading but I wish there was more free non-fiction, especially devotionals.

    • Stasia

      I will look for some today, there are usually more Free fiction than non-fiction.

  24. Karin

    I prefer fiction usually.

  25. Toni Sprouse

    I love both, but I learn so much and find inspiration in nonfiction. Thank you for this great giveaway!

    • Stasia

      God Bless you Toni!



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