Good Morning Book Lovers!
Today I am browsing through all the great book deals while sipping my cinnamon tea at work. I love books. I love to read. A 2021 study on reading stated that women read approximately 15 1/2 books per year and men just under 10. Another study showed that reading just 7 minutes a day helped reduce stress and depression by nearly 70%. People who read fiction tend to be more empathetic and of course we all know how wonderful it is to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. So there are many good reasons to grab a book this morning and take a few moments for your mental health and well-being.
A review of my book Food Memoirs:Â Recipes and Memories from a Missionary Mom on Amazon:
As an aspiring cookbook author, myself, I found Nielsen’s work to be profoundly inspiring. The seamless blend of culinary variety and personal storytelling in “Food Memoirs” not only makes it a fantastic recipe book but also a testament to the power of food in connecting us to our stories and each other. This book is a must-have for anyone who cherishes the art of cooking and the stories that come with it. Thank you, Stasia!
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have been so supportive and gracious. May the Lord richly bless you!
Fiction Book Deals for 3/25/2024
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Non-Fiction Book Deals for 3/25/2024
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FREE*** Book Deals for 3/25/2024
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