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Good Morning Book Lovers!

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AS you may know, I am a missionary momma as well as a Crisis Response Chaplain where we (my sweet family) have been serving the marginalized, needy and neglected in the mountains of southern Mexico.  These months have been a tumultuous time as we have all worked out our new normal in regards with living during a global pandemic.  For us, we have had the challenges of serving in a foreign country as well as raising our youngest teens, one who is special needs.  After weeks of self-quarantine in Mexico, we were forced to cross into Texas to renew our documentation where we have had the joy of being near some of our family.  We have now had first hand experience of what quarantine looks like in the US!

Today we are making the faith jump to get back to our home (and my sweet pets Reagan the golden retriever, Lady the husky and Poosheen my Russian blue kitty).

I share these things with you because I am asking you, our faithful subscribers to join with us in prayer.

Under normal conditions, traveling via car within Mexico is not considered safe.  The CNGJ cartel is a veritable army that roams wherever they wish and of course now we have all of the issue of the Coronavirus, which has begun to hit Mexico hard.  We have had so many conflicting reports of whether or not we can even get across the border and back home.  It is all quite stressful.  At any rate, we must try to cross.  Our son, Noah, who struggles with Asperger’s needs to be home.  He is a great prayer warrior and I often share mini-views into his life of prayer on my Social Media pages.

In August out study of “Jonah” at the Women’s Bible Cafe, where I am co-director. I would love you to join us!

We have a great list of FREE and Discounted Kindle reads today, with something for just about everybody! Authors include Philip Yancey, Margaret Feinberg, Max Lucado, Mark Batterson,  Leighton Ford and John Perkins, just to name a few.

Happy Reading!


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