Good Afternoon Readers!
Here are today’s list of FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals. There are some incredible deals such as the priced at a whopping 90% OFF Today Only!!
Yesterday I announced the release of my new book: Teach Your Children Well: How to Homeschool World Changers.
I have complied over 35 years of my experience as a Homeschooling momma within these pages and am offering a Giveaway with it’s release. You can find all of the details on this $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway by clicking this link! Teach Your Children Well Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
Now for some more exciting news, over 12 years ago I complied a recipe book for friends and family and uploaded it to Amazon Kindle. To my astonishment it did pretty well considering the editing was not exceptional and I never truly intended for it to be anything other than a convenient way to share my recipes and stories with my loved ones. Ever since publishing it, I have wanted to do a remake in order to make the book not only for Kindle but on paperback as well. Today my Food Memoirs was released. I can hardly believe that two labors of love have been released in the same week. I am so very excited. The older version is still on Kindle but the newer version contains more recipes and easier to find links. It is on sale today 1/2 OFF! You can find it by clicking on the photo in the post or clicking here: Food Memoirs: Recipes and Memories from a Missionary Mom
I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for all of your encouragement and support during this time. May the Lord richly bless you.Â
Happy Reading!
Non-Fiction Book Deals for 1/24/2024
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Fiction Book Deals for 1/24/2024
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FREE*** Book Deals for 1/24/2024
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