Spread the Word!
Amazing Book Deals and a Giveaway

Amazing Book Deals and a Giveaway

Good Afternoon Readers Today's Book List is amazing.  Be sure to check out those extra credits you are able to earn on Non-Fiction Reads (Today Only!) June Giveaway! What - $25 Amazon Gift Card How - Like and Share THIS post on your favorite Social Media AND share...

Save Even More on these Great Bestsellers!

Save Even More on these Great Bestsellers!

Dear Book Lovers, After a long week, there is nothing like cozying up to a good  book. Today's collection of FREE and DISCOUNTED inspirational titles are sure to bring encouragement to your soul. You can earn credits toward your next read automatically on some great...

FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals

FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals

Good Evening Readers!   I was looking after my cute grandson all day and have only JUST been able to look up these amazing book deals.  ENJOY!  Be sure to check in tomorrow as we will announce the Giveaway for June! May the Lord hold you close, Stasia...

Beachy Book Day Deals

Beachy Book Day Deals

Good Morning Readers! It's a great day for a good long read and what better way to begin than with today's lineup of FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals.  Today's list is jam-packed with the best deals by some of your favorite authors.  When I go out for...

Inspirational Book Deals for a Weekend Retreat

Inspirational Book Deals for a Weekend Retreat

Good Morning Readers! Today is the perfect day for a Church gathering as we Praise the Lord for His goodness in our lives.  After church and a family feast, it will be an afternoon of reading curled up on a comfy couch with a glass of iced tea and the sounds of the...

Another Great Collection of Cherished Reads!

Another Great Collection of Cherished Reads!

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you enjoy the collection of FREE and Discounted inspirational books I have for you today! May the Lord richly bless you, Stasia  Non-Fiction Book Deals for 5/27/2023Has this ministry been a blessing to you? If you like, you can leave a...


Stasia’s Cozy Corner

Teach Your Children Well

30 Days with the Men in the Arena

30 days with the men in the arena

A Life Changing Prayer Adventure!

Lighthouse Prayer Network

7 Days to Upping Your Prayer Life

Bible Cafe

Hope and Grace

Sozo Life Essential Oils

Today’s Deals on Amazon

Abiding in the Secret Place

Christian Books

Why Read?

Amazon Affiliate

LifeVerse Books is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com


Stasia’s Cozy Corner

Teach Your Children Well

30 Days with the Men in the Arena

30 days with the men in the arena

A Life Changing Prayer Adventure!

Lighthouse Prayer Network

7 Days to Upping Your Prayer Life

Bible Cafe

Hope and Grace

Sozo Life Essential Oils

Today’s Deals on Amazon

Abiding in the Secret Place

Christian Books

Why Read?

Amazon Affiliate

LifeVerse Books is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com
Amazing Book Deals and a Giveaway

Amazing Book Deals and a Giveaway

Good Afternoon Readers Today's Book List is amazing.  Be sure to check out those extra credits you are able to earn on Non-Fiction Reads (Today Only!) June Giveaway! What - $25 Amazon Gift Card How - Like and Share THIS post on your favorite Social Media AND share...

Save Even More on these Great Bestsellers!

Save Even More on these Great Bestsellers!

Dear Book Lovers, After a long week, there is nothing like cozying up to a good  book. Today's collection of FREE and DISCOUNTED inspirational titles are sure to bring encouragement to your soul. You can earn credits toward your next read automatically on some great...

FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals

FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals

Good Evening Readers!   I was looking after my cute grandson all day and have only JUST been able to look up these amazing book deals.  ENJOY!  Be sure to check in tomorrow as we will announce the Giveaway for June! May the Lord hold you close, Stasia...

Beachy Book Day Deals

Beachy Book Day Deals

Good Morning Readers! It's a great day for a good long read and what better way to begin than with today's lineup of FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals.  Today's list is jam-packed with the best deals by some of your favorite authors.  When I go out for...

Inspirational Book Deals for a Weekend Retreat

Inspirational Book Deals for a Weekend Retreat

Good Morning Readers! Today is the perfect day for a Church gathering as we Praise the Lord for His goodness in our lives.  After church and a family feast, it will be an afternoon of reading curled up on a comfy couch with a glass of iced tea and the sounds of the...

Another Great Collection of Cherished Reads!

Another Great Collection of Cherished Reads!

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you enjoy the collection of FREE and Discounted inspirational books I have for you today! May the Lord richly bless you, Stasia  Non-Fiction Book Deals for 5/27/2023Has this ministry been a blessing to you? If you like, you can leave a...
