Spread the Word!

Good Morning Readers,

I hope and pray that you are well and enjoying all the goodness of the Lord.  Were you able to grab any good PRIME DAY DEALS?  Living in Mexico makes it difficult to enjoy getting mail, seriously even some junk mail would be nice.  That being said, we are leaving to the states in the morning to be with our sweet daughter when she is released from hospital.  My son is looking forward to Chick-fil-A and I am looking forward to going to an actual BOOK STORE.  There is a Half Priced Books near my daughter’s home and a cute coffee shop right next door to it so…. that is where I plan on spending some of my time when I am stateside. 

Truthfully though, we do appreciate your prayers as the actual drive to the US through Mexico is two days and can be quite dangerous because of cartel activity.  We spend the night half way in order to drive only in daylight and we must stick to the toll roads.  If the Lord leads you to give a gift, you can do that with the links below. 

May the Lord richly bless you and yours,


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