Spread the Word!

Good Morning Book Lovers!

We have an amazing list of FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals for you today!  Some of the women in my Bible Study group were asking for tips on how to better utilize their Kindles and so I will be uploading a video this weekend on some of the cool things I do with my Kindle.  I noticed that some of you look forward to those Friday night chats so I plan on hosting one this evening (si Dios quiere- if our wifi permits).

May the Lord richly bless you and yours,


Has this ministry been a blessing to you? If you like, you can leave a Tip Here

Non-Fiction book deals for 11/13/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $6.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

Fiction book deals for 11/13/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $6.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

Has this ministry been a blessing to you? If you like, you can leave a Tip Here

FREE*** book deals for 11/13/2020


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