Spread the Word!

Good Morning Dear Friends!

Every crisis is a glorious opportunity for God to do something new and fresh in our lives. The Apostle Paul, whose resume’ of suffering and setback would cause us all to blush, wrote:

Though we experience every kind of pressure, we’re not crushed. At times we don’t know what to do, but quitting is not an option...

Yes, all things work for your enrichment so that more of God’s marvelous grace will spread to more and more people, resulting in an even greater increase of praise to God, bringing him even more glory!

So no wonder we don’t give up. For even though our outer person gradually wears out, our inner being is renewed every single day. We view our slight, short-lived troubles in the light of eternity. We see our difficulties as the substance that produces for us an eternal, weighty glory far beyond all comparison.” (2 Cor. 8,15-17)

Today’s list of FREE and Discounted Kindle books is laced with many titles that are designed to bring encouragement to the heart. Here are some examples:

God Will Carry You Through by Max Lucado. It has been said that everyone is either entering, in the midst of, or just exiting a trial. Popular author and pastor Max Lucado has discovered that at any given point, almost everyone is dealing with something. Whether the loss of a loved one, marriage issues, illness, job loss, or the stress of everyday life, people everywhere need the assurance that God will carry them through.

“Wonderful, upbeat honest truth about who God Is, what He does, and how He uses every situation not just for our good , but for God’s own glory. Recommend for those who are struggling with what appear to be bad breaks, extreme injustices or just difficult life situations.” (Reviewer)

The Shelter of God’s Promises by Sheila Walsh. Through vulnerable storytelling and powerful in-depth teaching, Sheila offers a life-changing study on ten bedrock promises of God to help you gain a trust in Him that will sustain you for a lifetime.

Songs From the Heart: Meeting with God in the Psalms by Tim Riordan. Do you need encouragement or hope? Have you longed to know God, study the Bible, and experience God’s presence? In Songs from the Heart, Dr. Tim Riordan has provided a rich resource, based upon the Psalms, to encourage your spiritual journey and help the Psalms come to life in your heart. 

“This book touched me in so many ways. I highly recommend it to anyone who seeks a closer walk with God. The author exhibits insight into the Psalms and adds personal touches with anecdotes. His humility is refreshing” (Reviewer)

There are many more excellent titles to choose from today. My prayer for you is that God will rain his blessing upon you and your family today!

Happy Reading!


PS If Lord leads you, please consider leaving a donation to this ministry. We could use it right now! Thanks!




Non-fiction book deals for 3/11/2020

*Note: Books are priced between $0.99 and $6.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

Fiction book deals for 3/11/2020

*Note: Books are priced between $0.99 and $5.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

FREE*** book deals for 3/11/2020

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***REMINDER: The ebooks are free or discounted at the time of posting this article and only for USA Amazon. Before purchasing Kindle ebooks, make sure you check the price. The author, publisher or distributor may change the price at anytime and without notice. If you do buy an ebook and you do not like it, Amazon allows you to return the book in 7 days for a refund.

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