Spread the Word!

Good Morning Book Lovers!

For me, my Kindle Library s a “go-to” source where I get can get grounded, sharpen my focus and just enjoy my day. What a gift to be able to draw from so many great Christian hearts and minds with one click!

We lead off today’s list with a #1 Bestselling title by Timothy Keller that is offered today at an amazing 82% discount! “Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just” challenges these preconceived beliefs that the secular world often puts forward that the Bible is one of the greatest hindrances to doing justice. People often ask Didn’t it condone slavery? Why look to the Bible for guidance on how to have a more just society? This book offers readers a new understanding of modern justice and human rights that will resonate with both the faithful and the skeptical.

“Fantastic book for people who love Jesus but struggle with understanding how justice fits in. If you love Jesus but have wrestled with how social justice fits into the Gospel, you need to read this book! ” (Reviewer)

There are many other inspirational Kindle titles today that you will want to check out–all highly discounted.

Happy Reading!



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Non-Fiction book deals for 9/3/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $6.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

Fiction book deals for 9/3/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $5.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

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FREE***book deals for 9/3/2020

Get FREE Christian eBooks and Christian book deals via email when you subscribe to our website updates. ***REMINDER: The ebooks are free or discounted at the time of posting this article and only for USA Amazon. Before purchasing Kindle ebooks, make sure you check the price. The author, publisher or distributor may change the price at anytime and without notice. If you do buy an ebook and you do not like it, Amazon allows you to return the book in 7 days for a refund. Affiliate Disclosure: LifeVerse Books is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com


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