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Magnificent Monday Kindle Collection ON SALE!

Magnificent Monday Kindle Collection
Spread the Word!

Good Morning Book Lovers,

Today’s list is MAGNIFICENT! Take the time to peruse the many authors and titles and see for yourself. Here are just three examples:

“The Kyle Idleman Prodigal Collection: AHA, 40 Days to Lasting Change, Praying for Your Prodigal” all three titles together for under a dollar! 

“Kyle Idleman is the Teaching Minister at Southeast Christian Church located in Louisville, Ky with over 22,000 in attendance every weekend. He’s a guest speaker for regional and national conventions around the country and regularly speaks for some of America’s most influential churches. Kyle’s also the best selling author of Not A Fan book published by Zondervan.” (From the intro) 

“Your Defining Moment: When Time and Destiny Meet” by Jen Tringale. Our culture has become such a circus of propaganda, larger than life personas, and image branding that we fail to recognize the strong prevailing influence of the everyday person. In this new book, Jen Tringale encourages and exhorts believers to live in a life defining moment of time.

“This is an amazing book for everyone! If you are curious about your destiny, what God has called you to do – you need this book! Rev. Jen writes in a way that is desirable and so easy to read! I’ve referred multiple people to her and her ministry! I can’t say enough about how life changing this book is!!!!”

Four C.S. Lewis Classics: The Problem of Pain – The Screwtape Letters – Letters to Malcomb – Abolition of Man – all on sale today!

These are just the tip of the iceberg!

Happy Reading!


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*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $4.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

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