Spread the Word!

Dear Fellow Book Lovers!

I was taken back this week by the video being passed around of protesters who were burning the flag and burning Bibles. This should be a wake up call to us all! It also reminded me how precious a gift we have to be able to read good books. For me, collecting a library of hundreds of books on a Kindle (all downloaded and safe in my device) makes me feel pretty good! Yet, even more powerful than a Kindle full of godly books is a heart that has meditated on God’s Word!

“I have hidden your word in my heart
    that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 199:11)

Happy Reading!



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Non-Fiction book deals for 8/2/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $6.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

Fiction book deals for 8/2/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $4.99 with the majority of books priced at $0.99 or less***

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FREE*** book deals for 8/2/2020

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