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Good Morning Book Lovers,

We had another amazing GIFT AWAY on our Facebook Page yesterday and plan on having a GIFT AWAY per DAY through the weekend.  Please join me on the Facebook page each day as I announce which books will be GIFTed.   Today’s list of FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals include some wonderful Bestsellers: 

Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald

We have schedule planners, computerized calendars,and self-stick notes to help us organize our business and social lives everyday. But what about organizing the other side of our lives—the spiritual side?

Cozy Minimalist Home: More Style, Less Stuff by Myquillyn Smith

‘Cozy doesn’t mean cluttered, and minimalist doesn’t signify bare. And combining the two, according to stylist Smith (The Nesting Place, 2014), sets the stage for a home with plenty–and yet no-junked-up surfaces. Smith guides readers in finding an interior design to fit their needs….Smith’s clear-eyed narrative is punctuated by photographs of her house; even better are the appendix’s before-and-after pictures. Rather than a photo-based decorating tome, this is thinking fodder for home designers who’ve decided enough is enough.’ (– Booklist)

Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff by Dana K. White

In Decluttering at the Speed of Life, decluttering expert and author Dana White identifies the mind-sets and emotional challenges that make it difficult to declutter. Then, in her signature humorous approach, she provides workable solutions to break through these struggles and get clutter out–for good!
But more than simply offering strategies, Dana dives deep into how to implement them, no matter the reader’s clutter level or emotional resistance to decluttering. She helps identify procrasticlutter–the stuff that will get done eventually so it doesn’t seem urgent–as well as how to make progress when there’s no time to declutter.

The Magnolia Story (with Bonus Content) by Chip and Joanna Gaines

This eBook includes the full text of the book plus an exclusive additional chapter from Chip and Joanna that is not found in the hardcover! A National Bestseller – New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Publisher’s Weekly. 

Fall in love with Chip and Joanna Gaines, as you read their story about love, adventure—and dreaming big.

May the Lord bless you today and always,

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Non-Fiction book deals for 10/2/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $5.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

Fiction book deals for 10/2/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $4.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

Has this ministry been a blessing to you? If you like, you can leave a Tip Here

FREE*** book deals for 10/2/2020

Get FREE Christian eBooks and Christian book deals via email when you subscribe to our website updates. ***REMINDER: The ebooks are free or discounted at the time of posting this article and only for USA Amazon. Before purchasing Kindle ebooks, make sure you check the price. The author, publisher or distributor may change the price at anytime and without notice. If you do buy an ebook and you do not like it, Amazon allows you to return the book in 7 days for a refund. Affiliate Disclosure: LifeVerse Books is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com


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