Good Morning Book Lovers!
Prime Day has arrived and I am completely unprepared for it. Sometimes our best laid plans are shattered through no fault of our own. At the moment our family is on the most difficult journey we have ever experienced. As a matter of fact the only reason I am trying to share Book Deals today is because as an Amazon Affiliate, I do get a small amount of income from generated sales. I need to run important errands at the moment but will return and add more books and FREE*** books in about an hour or so…
That being said, please keep our family, specifically our daughter and her husband in your prayers. I have mentioned them before, they were pregnant with twins and one passed early in the pregnancy. Last week Claire, the remaining daughter, was born 9 weeks early with a rare heart defect. Sweet Claire was born on July 5th and shortly after underwent an 8 hour surgery to put a pacemaker in place and then another surgery in hopes that her heart would function better. Our sweet Claire went to be with Jesus after spending one week with us here on earth.Â
At the moment I am here in Washington state trying to help my daughter and her hubbie walk through this difficult process. We appreciate your prayerful support. There is so much it is overwhelming. If you feel led to help with costs, please designate any donation “Clairebear” in the PayPal link below (Tip Here Jar). All donations will go to the family and her memorial.Â
May the Lord richly bless you and yours,
Non-Fiction Book Deals for 7/16/2024
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Fiction Book Deals for 7/16/2024
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FREE*** Book Deals for 7/16/2024
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Stacsia, my heart breaks for your family and the loss of your granddaughters. Praying for the comfort of our good shepherd.
Hello Stacia,
I am so so sorry to hear about the loss of your granddaughters. I pray that you, your daughter and son in law, and all family members will experience God’s comfort and peace throughout this painful period.
Dear Kernita, Thank you so much. This has been the most difficult journey we have ever faced. God bless you Stasia