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Good Morning Book Lovers!


WHEW, we made it home.  Thank you for your prayers, God moved in miraculous ways as we survived an attempted carjacking by a cartel as we crossed the border. The men tried to pull John out of the truck but God saved us and nothing was lost.

This weekend we celebrate the Day of the Dead in Mexico and even though we have begun our second lock-down due to COVID, there is a LOT of noise. Please pray for our children and dogs as the noise is overwhelming.

This week we will do a complete renovation of our office to turn it into a bedroom for our sweet girl to find some peace and rest.  The Drs have told us NO STRESS, keep to a schedule etc etc.  We have some needs here for that as the room has electrical wiring hanging, a broken door and painting etc.  We will be doing a lot of work to get this situated over the next week.  The Lord has provided so much, a bed and curtains, a nightstand and yet we still need a chest of drawers for clothing and a desk and lamp.  Little by little.  Thank you for your prayers, I believe in miracles because I have seen miracles.  God is still in the miracle-making business.

Go to our LifeVerse Books Facebook Page because I will announce the winners of the NIV, Archaeological Study Bible, eBook: An Illustrated Walk Through Biblical History and Culture Gift Away tonight!  It was impossible to post anything while we were traveling as it was a quite a trip. I am also starting a NEW Gift Away this evening so please check out the Facebook Page.

May the Lord richly bless you and yours,

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  1. Janet W. Ferguson

    Thank you! How scary! Praying your renovations go well.

    • Stasia

      Thank you Janet, God is good.


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