Classic Christian Book Bargains for 9/22/2020

Classic Christian Book Bargains for 9/22/2020

Good Morning Book Lovers, Although the bad weather has it’s challenges, one of the things that I love most when there is a torrential downpour is that we can pull out the candles and read old books.  The rain pelted our roof last night as I searched through our...
Miraculous Monday Morning Book Deals for 9/21/2020

Miraculous Monday Morning Book Deals for 9/21/2020

Good Morning Book Lovers, Today’s list of FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational Book Deals is fairly bursting at the seams with great books and bargain basement prices.  I had some credits available so I downloaded Miracles: A 53-Week Devotional by Karen...
Beautiful Reads for a Relaxing Sunday Afternoon 9/20/20

Beautiful Reads for a Relaxing Sunday Afternoon 9/20/20

Good Morning Friends, You find me enjoying the sweet smell of rain on this gorgeous Sunday Morning.  As I mentioned on several of our Friday night LIVE Book Chats, I love history and a book that I have been wanting for a while has finally some on sale! The Monuments...
Inspirational Book Bargains for 9/19/20

Inspirational Book Bargains for 9/19/20

Good Morning Book Lovers! We had a lovely time on our Live Facebook Book Chat last night!  Thank you to all of you who joined me.  <3 I will be announcing the winners on our Facebook Page this afternoon so be sure to have those notifications on. Today’s list...
Falling for Great Book Deals

Falling for Great Book Deals

Good Morning Friends, This morning you find me doubling up on Chai tea and coffee as my hubbie (a serious webmaster) teaches me how to optimize LifeVerse Books.  This is a HUGE learning curve for me as I am not all that computer savvy.  LifeVerse Books as well as our...