Spread the Word!

Good Morning Book Lovers,

We have a lovely selection of FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational books for you to download and enjoy this morning.  Books are listed from least to greatest within each section and as always there are some excellent freebies*** at the end.  Here are a few that look very good to me.

This first book was written by Sarah Thebarge.   She is an international speaker and the author of The Invisible Girls, named a World Magazine 2013 Notable Book. Sarah earned her physician assistant degree at Yale and was studying journalism at Columbia when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. In spite of nearly losing her life to cancer, she went on to care for refugees in the United States and provide medical care to people living in the developing world. In addition to practicing medicine in Togo, she served in the Dominican Republic and started a clinic in Kenya for children who lost their parents to AIDS. Sarah is a spokesperson for Compassion International.

The Invisible Girls: A Memoir by Sarah Thebarge

REVIEW: “Honest, enlightening, heart-touching and, at just the right times, funny. Sarah’s expertly-crafted sentences sing and sometimes sting, flowing smoothly, then suddenly jumping off the page. The interweaving of her story with that of a Somali mother and daughters is masterful. This isn’t the American dream. It’s a vibrant and authentic story of loss, disenchantment, discovery, and a reawakening of faith and hope.”―Randy Alcorn, author of Heaven and If God is Good

Love Story: The Hand that Holds Us From the Garden to the Gate by Nichole Nordeman

REVIEW: “Through Nichole’s brilliant and creative storytelling, timeless Bible characters come to life in such a way, it’s as if I’m walking in their shoes. And more than that, it’s like they’ve walked in mine, because I find a little piece of me in every one.”
–Natalie Grant

Beholden (The Fairest Maidens Book 1) by Jody Hedlund

From the inside cover:  In a land where being the fairest maiden is a curse . . .

The Invisible Girls looked so good that I have decided to grab it.  Let me know what books you are reading, I love to hear from you.

May the Lord richly bless you,

Note:  We endeavor to bring the BIGGEST and BEST list of FREE*** and Discounted Inspirational deals to our subscribers Ad Free each and every day.  There is a PayPay link below if you feel led to support this ministry, which helps us to serve the Lord by serving others here in Mexico and abroad.  May the Lord abundantly bless you and yours, the Nielsen Family. 

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Non-Fiction book deals for 9/24/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $5.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

Fiction book deals for 9/24/2020

*Note:  Books are priced between $0.99 and $5.99 with the majority of books priced at $1.99 or less***

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FREE*** book deals for 9/24/2020

Get FREE Christian eBooks and Christian book deals via email when you subscribe to our website updates. ***REMINDER: The ebooks are free or discounted at the time of posting this article and only for USA Amazon. Before purchasing Kindle ebooks, make sure you check the price. The author, publisher or distributor may change the price at anytime and without notice. If you do buy an ebook and you do not like it, Amazon allows you to return the book in 7 days for a refund. Affiliate Disclosure: LifeVerse Books is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com


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